Phony Agreement Meaning

To display words more or less individually in an accessible list, the dictionary removes words from their general use in their usual settings and creates a snapshot that spans subtle differences that depend on the context. While this is a useful task in many ways, the list of words as a set of isolated elements […]

Fecha: 2020-12-14

To display words more or less individually in an accessible list, the dictionary removes words from their general use in their usual settings and creates a snapshot that spans subtle differences that depend on the context. While this is a useful task in many ways, the list of words as a set of isolated elements can be very misleading when it serves as the basis for thether on what words are and what they mean. As has already been said, lexicographers have begun to use “big data” to draw conclusions about both definitions and the relative prevalence of different meanings of a word in general usage. Judges and lawyers are used to searching large shoals for relevant meaningful proceedings. This process characterizes the case method in general. What is new is the ability to search electronic corporations through instances of word use. Over the past two decades, large corporations of American general English have been made available to the public as a research tool. The most prominent were developed by linguists from Brigham Young University. The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA), with its 520 million words from five kinds of texts dating from 1990-2015, and the Corpus of American Historical English (COHA), which, from 400 million words of popular written genres, resemble magazines, literature, books and news publications of the years 1810-2000. In this corporation, each gender is balanced ten years after ten years to “monitor” a representative sample of the actual use of language over time, 7 making it the largest corporal systematically collected from American English. Linguists also rely on their intuitions about grammar and importance in creating theories about the structure and functioning of language.

We first comment on this method, then we turn to the use of dictionaries by the courts and finally we discuss the recent orientation towards the corporation, both by linguists and legal analysts, to help determine how words are generally understood. Factum fraud occurs when the victim has reached an agreement on the basis of fraudulent misrepresentation, to his detriment. Misrepresentation means that the victim does not understand the nature, content or consequences of what they agree with. Factum fraud is common when the victim feels that the agreement is not legally binding, when in fact it is a contract. Justice Lee`s COCA search found a significant predominance of examples where “discharge” was used as a “fire” in the sense of majority opinion.